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Christ is a brother to us; we must therefore long for his company and become of one heart with him

Fra pave Benedikt XVIs onsdagsaudiens 23. juni 2010:

I would like to propose some simple, essential and convincing examples of the content of St Thomas’ teaching. In his booklet on The Apostles’ Creed he explains the value of faith. Through it, he says, the soul is united to God and produces, as it were, a shot of eternal life; life receives a reliable orientation and we overcome temptations with ease. To those who object that faith is foolishness because it leads to belief in something that does not come within the experience of the senses, St Thomas gives a very articulate answer and recalls that this is an inconsistent doubt, for human intelligence is limited and cannot know everything. Only if we were able to know all visible and invisible things perfectly would it be genuinely foolish to accept truths out of pure faith. Moreover, it is impossible to live, St Thomas observes, without trusting in the experience of others, wherever one’s own knowledge falls short. It is thus reasonable to believe in God, who reveals himself, and to the testimony of the Apostles: they were few, simple and poor, grief-stricken by the Crucifixion of their Teacher. Yet many wise, noble and rich people converted very soon after hearing their preaching. In fact this is a miraculous phenomenon of history, to which it is far from easy to give a convincing answer other than that of the Apostle’s encounter with the Risen Lord. Read more

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Bønneuken for kristen enhet 2024

Torsdag 18. januar begynner bønneuken for kristen enhet 2024.

Som hvert år, ber kristne over hele verden sammen for enhet fra 18.–25. januar, og arrangementer og gudstjenester finner sted i den forbindelse.

Her i Oslo åpnes uken med økumenisk bønnevandring om kvelden 18. januar. Les mer hos søstrene på Katarinahjemmet: Økumenisk bønnevandring

På Lunden feires den sedvanlige gudstjensten i samarbeid med Tonsen menighet onsdag 24. januar kl. 19.00. Mer informasjon følger.

Materiale for bønneuken finnes hos Norges Kristne Råd: Bønneuken 2024