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Liturgy and prayer requests


The Monastery chapel is open for all who wish to pray or spend some time in silence. 

The liturgy is a privileged space to enter into and meditate on the mystery of salvation.

The Office reminds us that time is a gift given to us by God, and it sanctifies the different moments of the day: morning, midday, evening and night.

When we end our daily cycle of prayer, someone else in another part of the world picks it up.
In this way, the Church of Christ continually lifts her voice in intercession and praise.  

The Dominican Saint Catherine of Siena writes that praising God’s mercy expands the heart (Dialogue 31).
Every day we sing at Vespers the words of the Magnificat:

My soul glorifies the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour.
He looks on his servant in her lowliness; 
henceforth all ages will call me blessed.
The Almighty works marvels for me. 
Holy his name!
His mercy is from age to age, 
on those who fear him.
(Luke 1:46-50)



You are welcome to participate in the Eucharist and the daily office which is sung in Latin and in Norwegian.

Regular Mass-times:
Saturday and Sunday at 10.00 am. 
Monday – Friday at 6.00 pm. 

Divine Office:

Matins 6.45 am
Lauds 7.30 am
Midday prayer 1.15 pm 
Vespers following Mass (weekdays) or at 6.20 pm (Sat-Sun
Compline 8.10 pm

NB! Irregularities in Mass-times may occur. Please check for possible changes here.

Most Sundays you are welcome to have a cup of coffee in the guest house immediately following the High Mass. 

The Rosary is prayed at 12.55 am on weekdays, at 6.00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
Most Fridays we have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament following Vespers until 8.15 pm.




Intercession is an important part of our vocation.

In our daily prayer, both common and personal, we lift up to God all intentions confided to us.

Please contact us with your prayer requests, either by e-mail or by filling in your name, e-mail address and prayer intention in the form on this page.