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Posts from the ‘Kall’ Category

Første torsdag i måneden: Bønn for kall

Making decisions and guiding one’s actions in situations of uncertainty and in the face of conflicting inner forces is the place for exercising discernment, a classic term in the tradition of the Church which applies to a variety of situations. Indeed, one form of discernment is exercised in reading the signs of the times which leads to recognizing the presence and action of the Spirit in history. Moral discernment, instead, distinguishes what is good from what is bad. Still another form, spiritual discernment, aims to recognize temptation so as to reject it and proceed on the path to fullness of life. The connection of the various meanings of these forms is evident, a connection which can never be completely separated one from the other.

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2. februar: Kyndelsmesse, dag for det gudviede liv og bønn om kall

2. februar feires Herrens fremstilling i tempelet, også kalt kyndelsmesse. Dagen markeres også som dagen for det gudviede liv i Kirken, og kallsmessen i OKB, som vanligvis finner sted første torsdag i måneden, er i februar lagt til denne dagen.
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Første torsdag i måneden: Bønn for kall

Faith is seeing things as Jesus does (cf. Lumen fidei, 18). Faith is the source of vocational discernment, because faith provides vocational discernment with its fundamental contents, specific development, personal style and pedagogy. Joyously and willingly accepting this gift of grace requires making it fruitful through concrete and consistent choices in life.

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. This I command you, to love one another” (Jn 15:16-17). If the vocation to the joy of love is the fundamental call that God has placed in the heart of every young person so that each one’s existence will bear fruit, faith is both a gift from on high and a response to feeling oneself chosen and loved.

(Fra forberedelsesdokumentet til bispesynoden 2018:
«Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment»


Første torsdag i måneden: Bønn for kall i OKB

“‘How can we reawaken the greatness and the courage of comprehensive choices, of the impulses of the heart in order to face academic and emotional challenges?’. The phrase I use very often is: take a risk! Take a risk. Whoever does not risk does not walk. ‘But what if I make a mistake?’. Blessed be the Lord! You will make more mistakes if you remain still” (Pope Francis: Discourse at Villa Nazareth, 18 June 2016).

(Fra forberedelsesdokumentet til bispesynoden 2018:
«Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment»

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Halvdagsretrett for unge voksne, lørdag 18. november 2017

Velkommen til halvdagsretrett på Lunden lørdag 18. november mellom kl. 10.00 og 14.00. Tema er «Den indre cellen – selverkjennelse og bønn hos Katarina av Siena».

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